.jpg)
1.
“Life
is
too
short
to
waste
time
paying
full
price.
”
【打折必看】
2.
“Saving
money
while
shopping
is
like
hitting
two
birds
with
one
stone.
”
【淘宝省钱攻略】
3.
“A
penny
saved
is
a
penny
earned.
”
【打折购物技巧】
4.
“There’s
nothing
like
the
thrill
of
getting
a
great
deal.
”
【疯狂折扣来袭】
5.
“Buying
what
you
need
on
sale
is
always
a
smart
choice.
”
【买到实惠价格】
6.
“Why
pay
more
when
you
can
pay
less?”
【慧眼识优惠】
7.
“Always
shop
with
a
bargain
hunter’s
mentality.
”
【Beat划算价】
8.
“Smart
shoppers
never
buy
at
full
price.
”
【打折不打烊】
9.
“Don’t
let
high
prices
rob
you
of
the
joys
of
life.
”
【买物超所值】
10.
“Coupon
codes
are
the
secret
weapons
of
savvy
shoppers.
”
【券后价诱人】
11.
“Good
things
come
to
those
who
bargain
hunt.
”
【好物跑不了】
12.
“The
taste
of
a
good
deal
is
sweeter
than
chocolate.
”
【精打细算省不停】
13.
“Be
patient,
wait
for
the
sales,
and
save
a
ton
of
money.
”
【满意品质打折值】
14.
“You
don’t
need
to
be
rich
to
have
good
things,
you
just
need
to
be
a
smart
shopper.
”
【聪明买家才能买到高品质低价】
15.
“Why
pay
full
price
for
anything
when
there
are
discounts
available?”
【出门省钱,不如留在家】
16.
“True
happiness
is
getting
a
great
deal
on
something
you
love.
”
【爱物之心,价惊惶】
17.
“The
best
things
in
life
aren’t
free,
they’re
on
sale.
”
【品质更高更划算】
18.
“Shop
like
you
mean
it,
but
save
like
you’re
broke.
”
【抢购顶尖大牌,打折不手软】
19.
“In
a
world
where
everything
is
expensive,
discounts
are
like
gold.
”
【实惠购物,绝不退让】
20.
“You
don’t
have
to
be
rich
to
live
a
luxurious
life,
you
just
have
to
know
where
to
get
the
discounts.
”
【华丽生活,打折通行】