.jpg)
1.
heart
full
of
compassion
can
soothe
even
the
deepest
wounds
【心怀慈悲,胜似千药万方】
2.
In
the
midst
of
chaos,
a
gentle
touch
can
bring
serenity
to
the
soul
【大浪淘沙中,一缕温柔润心田】
3.
The
quiet
kindness
of
a
listening
ear
can
mend
broken
hearts
【静听温柔,修复颓废的心情】
4.
Soft
words
spoken
with
sincerity
can
overcome
even
the
hardest
hearts
【真诚而柔和,能在铁石心肠中留下温暖】
5.
The
tenderness
of
a
mother's
love
can
bring
comfort
to
a
troubled
mind
【母爱的温柔,为烦躁不安的心灵带来宁静】
6.
gentle
embrace
can
make
the
world
seem
brighter
【轻轻拥抱,使世界清爽明亮】
7.
When
words
fail,
a
gentle
touch
can
speak
volumes
【言语无法表达时,一片温柔的触碰能传递千言万语】
8.
The
soft
glow
of
a
candle
can
bring
peace
to
a
restless
heart
【烛光温柔,让不安的心灵归于平静】
9.
gentle
heart
is
the
most
beautiful
accessory
one
can
wear
【心怀柔情,比任何华美的装饰都更加动人】
10.
kind
word
can
heal
the
deepest
wounds
and
brighten
the
darkest
days
【一声温柔的问候,愈合最深的伤痛,照亮我们最黑暗的日子】
11.
In
a
world
full
of
chaos,
gentleness
is
like
a
ray
of
sunshine
peeping
through
the
clouds
【在喧嚣的世界中,温柔如同一缕阳光穿过了云层】
12.
gentle
smile
can
spread
happiness
to
those
around
us
【温柔的微笑,让周围的人都充满幸福感】
13.
Kindness
is
like
a
warm
blanket
that
can
comfort
us
on
the
coldest
of
nights
【善良如同一件温暖的毯子,在最寒冷的夜晚为我们提供慰藉】
14.
The
softness
of
a
gentle
breeze
can
soothe
a
troubled
mind
【柔和的微风,为烦躁不安的心灵带来宁静】
15.
gentle
touch
can
be
as
powerful
as
the
strongest
force
in
the
world
【一次温柔的触碰,便能化解世间最强大的力量】
16.
When
words
fall
short,
gentleness
speaks
louder
than
any
language
【言语无法表达时,温柔的关怀能传递更深刻的情感】
17.
gentle
hand
to
hold
can
make
any
journey
smoother
【有温柔的手握紧在手中,任何旅途都能更加轻松自在】
18.
Kindness
is
a
language
that
needs
no
translation
【善良是不需要翻译的语言】
19.
gentle
heart
is
a
magnet
for
love
and
happiness
【温柔的心,散发出吸引爱和幸福的磁场】
20.
In
a
world
where
everything
can
be
hard
and
cold,
gentleness
is
a
beacon
of
hope
【在一个世界里,一切都是冷酷无情,唯有温柔才是希望的灯塔】