1.
The
struggles
of
today
will
pave
the
way
for
a
brighter
tomorrow.
【奋斗,才能绽放光芒。
】
2.
life
without
challenges
is
a
life
without
growth.
【生命因挑战而有所成长。
】
3.
Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal:
it
is
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts.
【成功不是终点,失败不是致命,重要的是勇气和坚持。
】
4.
Do
not
let
the
fear
of
failure
hold
you
back
from
chasing
your
dreams.
【别让失败的恐惧阻挡你去追逐梦想。
】
5.
The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
【生命中最大的光荣不在于从未失败,而在于每次跌倒后能再度起立。
】
6.
Today's
sacrifices
will
lead
to
tomorrow's
victories.
【今天的付出,让明天变得更加辉煌。
】
7.
Success
is
not
achieved
by
luck,
it
is
earned
through
hard
work
and
perseverance.
【成功不是运气带来的,它要靠辛勤工作和坚韧不拔。
】
8.
The
road
to
success
is
long
and
winding,
but
the
journey
is
worth
it.
【通向成功的道路漫长而曲折,但这个旅程是值得的。
】
9.
Courage
is
not
the
absence
of
fear,
but
the
ability
to
overcome
it.
【勇气不是没恐惧,而是能够克服恐惧。
】
10.
Challenges
are
opportunities
in
disguise.
Embrace
them
and
grow
from
them.
【挑战是伪装成机会的东西,拥抱它们,从中成长。
】
11.
Talent
alone
is
not
enough,
it
takes
hard
work
to
achieve
greatness.
【仅凭天赋不足以实现伟大,需要辛勤工作。
】
12.
Our
greatest
weakness
lies
in
giving
up.
The
most
certain
way
to
succeed
is
always
to
try
just
one
more
time.
【我们最大的弱点在于放弃,最稳妥的成功方式永远是再试一次。
】
13.
Happiness
is
not
a
destination,
it
is
a
journey.
Enjoy
the
process
and
the
rewards
will
come.
【幸福不是终点,而是旅程。
享受这个过程,回报会随之而来。
】
14.
Life
is
a
marathon,
not
a
sprint.
Pace
yourself
and
keep
moving
forward.
【生命是一场马拉松,不是短跑。
按自己的节奏,不断前行。
】
15.
Don't
wait
for
opportunities,
create
them.
【不要等待机会,创造机会。
】
16.
The
difference
between
try
and
triumph
is
a
little
"umph".
【尝试和成功之间只差一点“劲”。
】
17.
Every
day
is
a
new
chance
to
make
progress
towards
your
goals.
Take
advantage
of
it.
【每一天都是向目标迈进的新机会,善加利用。
】
18.
The
only
limit
to
our
realization
of
tomorrow
will
be
our
doubts
of
today.
【捕捉未来唯一的瓶颈是今天的怀疑。
】
19.
The
struggle
you're
in
today
is
developing
the
strength
you
need
for
tomorrow.
【今天的挣扎会培养你明天所需的力量。
】
20.
Share
your
dreams
with
those
who
believe
in
you,
but
hold
onto
them
tightly
when
faced
with
doubt.
【把你的梦想与相信你的人分享,但在面对质疑时请紧握它们。
】