1.
love
playing
with
my
friends.
【生活是有趣的】
2.
Can
have
some
cookies,
please?
【太饿了,我需要吃东西】
3.
want
to
go
to
the
playground
and
swing
on
the
swings!
【运动是身体的保健】
4.
It's
time
for
bed,
goodnight!
【健康的生活需要良好的睡眠】
5.
Look
at
the
beautiful
flowers
in
the
garden.
【大自然是美丽的】
6.
I'm
so
excited
to
go
on
a
family
vacation.
【旅行可以带来快乐】
7.
Let's
make
some
art
and
crafts
together.
【创造性能培养创新思维】
8.
promise
to
share
my
toys
with
my
friends.
【友谊,分享和尊重是重要的】
9.
Today
learned
a
new
word
-
"Butterfly"!
【学习开阔视野,让孩子认识更多的世界】
10.
Yummy,
this
apple
tastes
so
good.
【健康的食物使人更加健康】
11.
It's
raining
outside,
let's
stay
inside
and
read
some
books.
【宅家学习,宝宝也能开心学习】
12.
I'm
proud
of
myself
for
learning
how
to
tie
my
shoes.
【每个小成就都是值得庆祝的】
13.
Thank
you
for
helping
me,
appreciate
it.
【感恩的心,让孩子懂得感恩和善良】
14.
Let's
go
for
a
walk
and
explore
nature.
【大自然满载惊喜,让宝宝更加亲近自然】
15.
It's
important
to
wash
our
hands
before
we
eat.
【培养良好的卫生习惯,带来健康与安全感】
16.
Can
you
teach
me
how
to
draw
a
cat?
【家长陪伴,孩子快乐成长】
17.
feel
happy
when
help
others.
【快乐的分享,关爱需要传递】
18.
can't
wait
to
celebrate
my
birthday
with
my
family.
【生日快乐,愿你健康成长】
19.
Eating
vegetables
are
good
for
our
body.
【良好的饮食习惯,是保持身体健康的基础】
20.
Let's
sing
a
song
and
dance
together.
【音乐是拉近家庭带来欢乐的纽带】