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1.
生命中没有什么是轻松得来的,一切都需要付出艰辛的努力。
【Life
is
never
easy.
】
2.
失败是不可避免的,但我们必须学会从中汲取经验教训,重新振作起来。
【Failures
are
inevitable,
but
we
must
learn
from
them
and
rise
again.
】
3.
我们必须时刻保持警觉,因为有些人会利用我们的弱点来危害我们。
【We
must
always
be
wary,
because
some
people
will
use
our
weaknesses
to
harm
us.
】
4.
现实往往比我们想象的要残酷,但我们必须去面对它。
【Reality
is
often
harsher
than
we
imagine,
but
we
must
face
it.
】
5.
人生不是一场赛跑,我们无需比别人走得更快,只需走自己的路。
【Life
is
not
a
race,
we
don't
need
to
walk
faster
than
others,
just
walk
our
own
path.
】
6.
做出改变需要勇气和决心,但只要我们有信心和毅力,就能克服一切困难。
【Making
changes
takes
courage
and
determination,
but
as
long
as
we
have
confidence
and
perseverance,
we
can
overcome
all
difficulties.
】
7.
安逸的生活并不能让我们真正地成长,只有在面对挑战和困难的时候,我们才能锻炼自己。
【A
comfortable
life
can't
really
make
us
grow,
only
when
we
face
challenges
and
difficulties
can
we
exercise
ourselves.
】
8.
时间是一把利刃,它不会因为你的努力而停止。
【Time
is
a
sharp
knife,
it
won't
stop
because
of
your
efforts.
】
9.
真正的乐趣是在享受平凡生活的过程中发现,而不是在短暂的刺激中寻找。
【True
joy
is
found
in
enjoying
the
ordinary
life,
not
in
seeking
short-lived
excitement.
】
10.
所有的苦难都会过去,留下来的将是我们前进的勇气和经验。
【All
hardships
will
pass,
leaving
behind
the
courage
and
experience
for
us
to
move
forward.
】
11.
学习是一项不断努力的过程,只有对知识有渴望并付出真诚的努力,才能取得成功。
【Learning
is
a
constant
process
of
effort.
Only
with
a
thirst
for
knowledge
and
sincere
effort
can
we
succeed.
】
12.
虽然生活有时会让我们感到疲惫,但我们必须用积极向上的态度去面对它。
【Although
life
sometimes
makes
us
tired,
we
must
face
it
with
a
positive
attitude.
】
13.
我们不能等待好运气降临,而是要主动发现和抓住机遇。
【We
can't
wait
for
good
luck
to
come,
but
we
must
actively
discover
and
seize
opportunities.
】
14.
如果我们不试着去改变,那么我们永远无法知道自己的潜力有多大。
【If
we
don't
try
to
change,
we
will
never
know
how
much
potential
we
have.
】
15.
有时候遭遇不幸是我们生命中必须经历的一部分,但是我们必须学会坚强、勇敢的面对它。
【Sometimes,
misfortune
is
a
part
of
our
lives
that
we
must
experience,
but
we
must
learn
to
face
it
with
strength
and
courage.
】
16.
保持耐心和冷静,即使在最艰难的时刻,也能帮助我们克服困难。
【Keeping
patience
and
calm
can
help
us
overcome
difficulties
even
in
the
most
difficult
moments.
】
17.
真正的朋友不是在你顺风顺水时出现的,而是在你陷入困境时对你伸出的援手。
【True
friends
don't
appear
when
you're
doing
well,
but
they
reach
out
to
help
you
when
you're
in
trouble.
】
18.
我们不能让一些小事情影响我们的生活,因为它们实在太渺小了。
【We
cannot
let
some
small
things
affect
our
lives
because
they
are
too
insignificant.
】
19.
在人生的路途中,很难避免失望与挫折,但我们必须向前看,坚持前行。
【In
life's
journey,
it's
difficult
to
avoid
disappointment
and
frustration,
but
we
must
look
forward
and
keep
going.
】
20.
时间在不断流逝,我们必须珍惜当下,以积极的态度拥抱生活。
【Time
is
constantly
passing,
we
must
cherish
the
present
and
embrace
life
with
a
positive
attitude.
】