.jpg)
1.
After
the
rain,
everything
seems
to
sparkle
and
glisten
in
the
sunlight.
【感受雨后的清新】
2.
love
the
smell
of
the
earth
after
a
good
rain
shower
-
it's
so
refreshing!【享受雨后的芳香】
3.
The
morning
after
a
storm
always
feels
so
peaceful
and
quiet
-
it's
a
great
time
to
reflect.
【在雨后静下心来思考】
4.
There's
nothing
like
a
rainy
day
to
make
you
appreciate
the
beauty
of
life.
【在阴雨中领悟生命的美好】
5.
After
the
rain,
the
world
seems
to
be
reborn
-
full
of
new
life
and
energy.
【雨后世界重新焕发活力】
6.
Sometimes,
the
best
thing
you
can
do
is
just
dance
in
the
rain
and
let
go
of
all
your
worries.
【在雨中尽情沉浸】
7.
Rainy
days
remind
us
to
slow
down
and
take
things
at
our
own
pace.
【在雨天,放慢步伐静享生活】
8.
After
the
rain,
the
sky
is
a
canvas
of
vibrant
colors
-
it's
truly
breathtaking.
【雨后的彩霞让人惊叹】
9.
In
life,
there
will
always
be
storms
-
but
we
can
choose
to
see
the
beauty
that
comes
after.
【遇到风雨也要看到它过后美的一面】
10.
After
the
rain,
there's
always
a
rainbow
-
a
symbol
of
hope
and
promise.
【雨过必有彩虹,寓意希望与约定】
11.
The
sound
of
rain
can
be
so
calming
and
therapeutic
-
it's
the
perfect
sound
to
fall
asleep
to.
【听雨声,宁静心灵】
12.
Sometimes,
the
most
beautiful
moments
in
life
happen
in
the
midst
of
a
storm.
【风雨中最美的瞬间】
13.
Rainy
days
can
bring
people
together
and
create
unforgettable
memories.
【在雨天,相聚难忘】
14.
After
the
rain,
the
air
is
so
clean
and
fresh
-
it's
a
great
time
to
go
for
a
walk
and
explore.
【雨后散步,畅享清新之旅】
15.
There's
something
magical
about
the
way
raindrops
glisten
on
the
leaves
and
flowers.
【雨滴如珠,璀璨生辉】
16.
The
world
feels
so
different
after
a
storm
-
almost
as
if
it's
been
washed
clean
and
renewed.
【在雨后,如世界洗涤重生】
17.
When
it
rains,
it's
a
reminder
that
nature
is
powerful
and
unpredictable
-
but
also
breathtakingly
beautiful.
【在雨中,感悟自然的力量和美丽】
18.
After
the
rain,
the
world
is
a
little
bit
quieter
and
more
peaceful
-
a
great
time
for
reflection
and
introspection.
【在雨后静享片刻宁静】
19.
The
way
that
raindrops
create
ripples
in
puddles
and
ponds
is
absolutely
mesmerizing.
【水滴成波,美如梦幻】
20.
After
the
rain,
it's
important
to
remember
that
the
sun
will
shine
again
-
and
with
it,
a
whole
new
day
full
of
possibilities.
【在雨后,勿忘阳光永远在路上】