.jpg)
1.
When
you
love
someone
who
doesn't
love
you
back,
it's
like
hugging
a
cactus.
The
tighter
you
hold
on,
the
more
it
hurts
【#heartbroken】
.
2.
Missing
someone
is
painful,
but
knowing
they
don't
feel
the
same
is
even
more
painful
【#unrequitedlove】
.
3.
Sometimes
the
hardest
part
of
moving
on
is
not
looking
back
【#lettinggo】
.
4.
Some
wounds
never
heal,
no
matter
how
much
time
passes
【#scarredforlife】
.
5.
It's
hard
to
forget
someone
who
gave
you
so
much
to
remember
【#memories】
.
6.
Love
can
be
a
beautiful
thing,
but
it
can
also
be
the
most
painful
thing
you'll
ever
experience
【#lovehurts】
.
7.
Sometimes
the
person
you
love
the
most
is
the
one
who
can
hurt
you
the
most
【#toxiclove】
.
8.
It's
better
to
have
loved
and
lost,
than
to
have
never
loved
at
all.
But
that
doesn't
make
it
any
less
painful
【#brokenheart】
.
9.
The
saddest
thing
about
love
is
that
it's
not
enough
sometimes
【#loveisntenough】
.
10.
You
can't
force
someone
to
love
you
or
stay
in
your
life,
no
matter
how
hard
you
try
【#lettinggo】
.
11.
Love
is
like
a
game
of
Russian
roulette,
you
never
know
who's
going
to
get
hurt
in
the
end
【#heartbreak】
.
12.
You
can't
turn
off
your
feelings
like
you
turn
off
a
light
switch.
It
takes
time
to
heal
and
move
on
【#healing】
.
13.
The
worst
feeling
is
wanting
to
reach
out
to
someone,
but
knowing
you
shouldn't
【#unrequitedlove】
.
14.
Some
people
are
meant
to
be
in
your
life
for
a
season,
and
others
for
a
lifetime
【#relationships】
.
15.
It's
okay
to
cry,
scream,
and
feel
all
the
emotions.
It's
part
of
the
healing
process
【#emotions】
.
16.
The
worst
kind
of
heartbreak
is
when
you
can't
even
hate
the
person
who
broke
your
heart
【#forgiveness】
.
17.
Love
doesn't
always
mean
forever.
Sometimes
it
just
means
for
a
certain
period
of
time
【#movingson】
.
18.
It's
hard
to
move
forward
when
every
step
feels
like
you're
walking
through
quicksand
【#heartbreak】
.
19.
Sometimes
the
person
you
think
is
your
soulmate,
is
just
a
lesson
you
needed
to
learn
【#relationships】
.
20.
Don't
ever
apologize
for
loving
someone
with
your
whole
heart.
It's
a
beautiful
thing,
even
if
it
hurts
in
the
end
【#love】
.