![句子温柔网名英文(温柔到爆的神仙网名英文)](/pic/句子温柔网名英文(温柔到爆的神仙网名英文).jpg)
1.
gentle
heart
is
like
a
calm
sea
that
attracts
everyone
towards
its
soothing
waves.
【温柔的内心像平静的海洋,吸引每个人沉浸在它缓和的波澜中。
】
2.
In
this
chaotic
world,
a
gentle
soul
is
like
a
ray
of
hope
that
spreads
positivity
and
love.
【在这个混乱的世界中,柔和的灵魂就像一束带着积极与爱的希望光。
】
3.
When
you
speak
with
kindness
and
compassion,
you
touch
someone's
heart
in
a
way
that
nothing
else
can.
【当你以善良和同情心说话,你会以一种其他任何东西都无法比拟的方式触及某人的心。
】
4.
Softness
and
tenderness
are
signs
of
true
strength
that
come
from
within.
【柔软和温柔是内在真正力量的标志。
】
5.
gentle
touch
has
the
power
to
heal
wounds,
both
physical
and
emotional.
【柔和的触碰具有治愈创伤(无论是身体还是情感上的)的力量。
】
6.
When
you
choose
to
be
kind,
you
not
only
change
the
world
around
you
but
also
the
world
within
you.
【当你选择善良,你不仅改变了周围的世界,也改变了自己内心的世界。
】
7.
gentle
whisper
can
calm
the
fiercest
storms
of
the
heart
and
soul.
【柔和的耳语能平息心灵最剧烈的风暴。
】
8.
True
beauty
lies
in
the
gentle
essence
of
a
person's
character.
【真正的美丽在于一个人性格的柔和本质。
】
9.
Let
your
gentleness
be
like
a
soft
breeze
that
carries
love
and
peace
wherever
it
goes.
【让你的温柔如一阵轻风,随处传递爱和和平。
】
10.
gentle
smile
can
brighten
up
someone's
day
and
lift
their
spirits.
【柔和的微笑可以让某人的一天更加美好和振奋。
】
11.
Speak
gently
and
watch
your
words
work
miracles
in
people's
lives.
【柔和地说话,看着你的话语在人们的生命中创造奇迹。
】
12.
gentle
heart
is
like
a
flower
that
blooms
in
adversity,
spreading
fragrance
all
around.
【温柔的内心就像一朵在逆境中绽放、弥漫着芬芳的花朵。
】
13.
When
you
treat
people
with
gentleness
and
respect,
you
earn
their
trust
and
loyalty.
【当你以柔和和尊重来对待人们,你就会赢得他们的信任和忠诚。
】
14.
gentle
soul
sees
beyond
the
surface
and
connects
with
the
heart
of
others.
【柔和的灵魂能看到超越表面的东西,与别人的心灵相连。
】
15.
Kindness
is
never
wasted,
for
it
always
touches
someone's
heart
in
ways
that
we
may
never
know.
【善良从未浪费,因为它总以我们不能预知的方式触及某人的心。
】
16.
gentle
word
is
like
a
soothing
balm
that
heals
the
wounds
of
the
soul.
【柔声细语就像一种起到舒缓作用的药膏,能治愈心灵的创伤。
】
17.
When
you
choose
gentleness
over
harshness,
you
choose
love
over
fear.
【当你选择温和而不是粗暴的时候,你选择了爱而不是恐惧。
】
18.
The
world
is
always
in
need
of
more
gentleness,
compassion,
and
empathy.
【这个世界总是需要更多的柔和、同情与移情。
】
19.
gentle
demeanor
is
a
reflection
of
a
beautiful
heart
that
radiates
love
and
kindness.
【温柔的举止反映了一颗美丽的心灵,散发出爱和善良。
】
20.
May
your
heart
be
filled
with
gentleness
and
grace,
as
you
journey
through
the
ups
and
downs
of
life.
【愿你的心充满柔和和恩典,在你人生的起伏中穿梭。
】