1.
古代人们的生活是简单而健康的。
【Life
in
ancient
times
was
simple
and
healthy.
】
2.
古代人们常常依靠自然获得食物。
【People
in
ancient
times
relied
on
nature
for
food.
】
3.
古代人们用手工制作了许多实用的物品。
【Ancient
people
made
many
practical
items
by
hand.
】
4.
古代的居住环境并不总是舒适和干净。
【Living
conditions
in
ancient
times
were
not
always
comfortable
and
clean.
】
5.
古代人们在日常生活中注重礼仪和体面。
【People
in
ancient
times
paid
attention
to
etiquette
and
dignity
in
their
daily
lives.
】
6.
古代医学的发展非常有限,人们对某些疾病几乎是束手无策。
【The
development
of
ancient
medicine
was
very
limited,
and
people
were
almost
helpless
against
certain
diseases.
】
7.
古代人们的娱乐方式十分有趣和多样化。
【Entertainment
in
ancient
times
was
very
interesting
and
diverse.
】
8.
古代人们常常遵循宗教信仰和传统习俗。
【People
in
ancient
times
often
followed
religious
beliefs
and
traditional
customs.
】
9.
古代的农业生产是社会繁荣和发展的重要支撑。
【Agricultural
production
in
ancient
times
was
an
important
support
for
social
prosperity
and
development.
】
10.
古代人们的家庭生活十分重要,家人之间的关系和睦也是必不可少的。
【Family
life
was
important
in
ancient
times,
and
harmonious
relationships
among
family
members
were
essential.
】
11.
古代人们通常用文字记录重要的事情和事件。
【People
in
ancient
times
usually
recorded
important
things
and
events
with
written
language.
】
12.
古代人们常常展示自己的艺术才华,包括绘画、雕塑、音乐等。
【People
in
ancient
times
often
displayed
their
artistic
talents,
including
painting,
sculpture,
music,
and
so
on.
】
13.
古代人们的服饰、饮食、宗教等方面都有丰富多彩的文化传统。
【Ancient
people
had
rich
and
colorful
cultural
traditions
in
clothing,
food,
religion,
and
other
aspects.
】
14.
古代人们常常从自然界中汲取灵感和智慧。
【People
in
ancient
times
often
drew
inspiration
and
wisdom
from
nature.
】
15.
古代建筑的遗迹给我们留下了深刻的文化印记。
【The
ruins
of
ancient
buildings
have
left
us
a
deep
cultural
imprint.
】
16.
古代社会的阶级分化和剥削是普遍存在的。
【Class
differentiation
and
exploitation
were
widely
present
in
ancient
societies.
】
17.
古代人们对死亡和生命的意义有着自己的理解和认识。
【People
in
ancient
times
had
their
own
understanding
and
awareness
of
death
and
the
meaning
of
life.
】
18.
古代的战争往往带来巨大的破坏和伤亡。
【Wars
in
ancient
times
often
brought
enormous
destruction
and
casualties.
】
19.
古代人们的世界观和价值观受到诸多因素的影响,包括宗教、文化、历史等。
【People
in
ancient
times
were
influenced
by
many
factors
in
their
worldviews
and
values,
including
religion,
culture,
and
history.
】
20.
古代人们不仅追求物质丰富和享乐,也追求精神上的满足和成就感。
【People
in
ancient
times
pursued
not
only
material
abundance
and
pleasure,
but
also
spiritual
satisfaction
and
a
sense
of
achievement.
】