1.
"Love
is
not
determined
by
what
you
have,
but
by
who
you
are.
"
【Love】
2.
"The
beauty
of
love
lies
in
the
connection
between
two
souls,
not
in
the
material
possessions
they
share.
"
【Beauty】
3.
"Love
is
not
found
in
a
bank
account,
but
in
the
abundance
of
affection
exchanged
between
two
hearts.
"
【Abundance】
4.
"One's
love
for
another
should
not
be
measured
by
what
they
can
provide
materially,
but
by
the
depth
of
their
emotional
connection.
"
【Measurement】
5.
"Love
is
not
materialistic,
it's
spiritual.
Money
can't
buy
what
the
heart
desires.
"
【Spirituality】
6.
"To
truly
love
someone,
it's
important
to
focus
on
their
inner
qualities,
not
just
what
they
can
offer
materially.
"
【Inner
Qualities】
7.
"True
love
sees
beyond
the
surface
level
of
material
possessions
and
appreciates
the
person
for
who
they
truly
are.
"
【Surface
Level】
8.
"Love
is
not
based
on
the
amount
of
money
one
has,
but
on
the
willingness
to
sacrifice
for
the
person
they
love.
"
【Sacrifice】
9.
"Genuine
love
requires
emotional
connection,
not
materialistic
possessions.
"
【Genuine】
10.
"The
richest
love
is
not
in
how
much
wealth
one
has,
but
in
the
depth
of
connection
between
two
individuals.
"
【Wealth】
11.
"Love
that's
based
on
material
things
will
eventually
fade
away,
but
true
love
lasts
a
lifetime.
"
【Fading
Love】
12.
"Material
possessions
can't
replace
the
feeling
of
true
love,
which
is
priceless.
"
【Priceless】
13.
"True
love
is
not
about
what
one
has,
but
the
love
they're
willing
to
give
and
share
with
others.
"
【Sharing】
14.
"The
true
value
of
love
lies
in
the
quality
of
emotional
connection
between
two
people,
not
the
quantity
of
material
possessions
they
own.
"
【Value】
15.
"Love
cannot
be
bought,
sold,
or
traded.
It's
a
precious
gift
that
should
be
cherished
and
nurtured.
"
【Gift】
16.
"Material
possessions
may
bring
temporary
happiness,
but
the
love
of
another
brings
everlasting
joy.
"
【Joy】
17.
"True
love
doesn't
require
any
material
possessions.
It
only
needs
two
hearts
that
beat
as
one.
"
【Two
Hearts】
18.
"Love
isn't
about
having
everything,
it's
about
being
happy
with
what
you
have
and
who
you're
with.
"
【Happiness】
19.
"Materialism
is
the
antithesis
of
true
love.
One
can't
exist
while
the
other
thrives.
"
【Antithesis】
20.
"When
love
is
true,
it
doesn't
matter
if
you
have
a
little
or
a
lot.
All
that
matters
is
that
you
have
each
other.
"
【Each
Other】