1.
"Sometimes
the
strongest
man
is
the
one
who
can
walk
away
with
his
head
held
high.
"【坚强离开】
2.
"I’m
not
trying
to
forget
you,
I’m
just
trying
to
forget
the
pain
you
caused.
"【忘却痛苦】
3.
"Love
isn't
always
enough
to
keep
two
people
together.
"【爱无法维系】
4.
"I’m
not
a
backup
plan
and
definitely
not
a
second
choice.
"【不是备胎】
5.
"One
day
you
will
realize
that
the
person
who
loved
you
the
most
was
the
one
you
hurt
the
most.
"【深爱易伤】
6.
"It's
better
to
be
alone
than
to
be
with
the
wrong
person.
"【宁静独处】
7.
"True
love
is
not
about
finding
someone
who
completes
you,
but
finding
someone
who
accepts
you
for
who
you
are.
"【真爱接纳你】
8.
"The
hardest
part
about
walking
away
from
someone
is
the
part
where
you
realize
that
no
matter
how
slowly
you
go,
they
will
never
run
after
you.
"【无人追随】
9.
"Sometimes
all
you
can
do
is
lie
in
bed
and
hope
to
fall
asleep
before
you
fall
apart.
"【无从着手】
10.
"It's
okay
to
cry,
just
don't
let
the
tears
blur
your
vision
from
the
better
things
to
come.
"【泪湿双眸】
11.
"Don't
blame
yourself
for
people
who
couldn't
love
you,
it
was
never
your
fault
to
begin
with.
"【不要自责】
12.
"Let
go
of
those
who
weigh
you
down,
and
surround
yourself
with
people
who
lift
you
up.
"【放下负累】
13.
"Being
alone
is
scary,
but
sometimes
being
with
the
wrong
person
is
even
scarier.
"【孤独不可怕】
14.
"You
never
really
loved
me,
you
just
loved
the
idea
of
having
someone
who
loved
you.
"【爱的荒芜】
15.
"I'm
not
heartless,
I've
just
learned
how
to
use
my
heart
less.
"【不冷血】
16.
"The
worst
part
about
heartbreak
isn't
the
pain,
it's
the
constant
reminder
that
a
piece
of
you
will
always
love
them.
"【心碎难愈】
17.
"Someday,
someone
is
going
to
look
at
you
like
you’re
everything
they’ve
been
searching
for.
"【注视真爱】
18.
"Never
settle
for
less
than
what
you
deserve,
you're
worth
more
than
you
think.
"【不委屈自己】
19.
"The
best
way
to
appreciate
someone
is
to
imagine
your
life
without
them.
"【珍惜拥有】
20.
"I
may
never
forget
you,
but
can
certainly
choose
to
move
on.
"【离开走得更远】