1.
"You're
doing
great,
just
take
deep
breaths.
"
【鼓励】
2.
"Let
me
adjust
your
pillow
to
make
you
more
comfortable.
"
【关爱】
3.
"Would
you
like
me
to
turn
off
the
lights
for
a
quieter
environment?"
【关怀】
4.
"It's
okay
to
feel
scared,
I'm
here
to
help
you
through
it.
"
【安慰】
5.
"Can
get
you
some
water
or
a
warm
blanket?"
【关心】
6.
"Let's
work
together
to
make
a
plan
for
your
recovery.
"
【合作】
7.
"I'm
here
to
listen
if
you
need
someone
to
talk
to.
"
【倾听】
8.
"You're
not
alone
in
this,
we'll
get
through
it
together.
"
【支持】
9.
"I'll
be
right
back
to
check
on
you,
okay?"
【陪伴】
10.
"Don't
worry,
I'll
make
sure
you're
getting
the
best
care
possible.
"
【保障】
11.
"Let's
take
things
one
step
at
a
time
and
focus
on
progress.
"
【鼓舞】
12.
"I'm
going
to
give
you
a
shot
now,
it
might
sting
a
little.
"
【提醒】
13.
"I'm
sorry
you're
in
pain,
let
me
see
if
can
get
you
something
to
help.
"
【同情】
14.
"You're
such
a
strong
person,
I'm
proud
of
you.
"
【赞美】
15.
"I'll
make
sure
to
give
you
some
extra
attention
today.
"
【特别关注】
16.
"You
deserve
to
rest,
let's
work
on
getting
you
some
sleep.
"
【照顾】
17.
"Don't
hesitate
to
call
me
if
you
need
anything,
no
matter
how
small.
"
【信任】
18.
"I
admire
your
bravery
and
determination
through
all
of
this.
"
【尊重】
19.
"Let's
take
a
few
deep
breaths
together
to
help
you
relax.
"
【协助】
20.
"I
care
about
you
and
your
well-being,
and
won't
stop
taking
care
of
you
until
you're
better.
"
【关爱】