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1.
“I
am
not
a
bird;
and
no
net
ensnares
me;
am
a
free
human
being
with
an
independent
will”
【温柔】
2.
“I
am
no
bird;
and
no
net
ensnares
me;
am
a
free
human
being
with
an
independent
will;
which
now
exert
to
leave
you.
”
【温柔】
3.
“Love
your
enemies;
bless
them
that
curse
you;
do
good
to
them
that
hate
you
and
despitefully
use
you.
”
【温柔】
4.
“I
am
not
an
angel,"
asserted;
"and
will
not
be
one
till
die:
will
be
myself.
”
【温柔】
5.
“I
am
not
heartless,
but
believe
that
a
strong
mind
is
superior
to
a
strong
emotion.
”
【温柔】
6.
“I
wish
you
all
good-night,
now,"
said
he,
making
a
movement
of
the
hand
towards
the
door,
in
token
that
he
was
tired
of
our
company,
and
wished
to
dismiss
us.
Mrs.
Fairfax
folded
up
her
knitting:
took
my
portfolio:
we
curtseyed
to
him,
received
a
frigid
bow
in
return,
and
so
withdrew.
”
【温柔】
7.
“I
am
not
an
angel,'
asserted;
'and
will
not
be
one
till
die:
will
be
myself.
”
【温柔】
8.
“It
does
good
to
no
woman
to
be
flattered
by
her
superior,
who
cannot
possibly
intend
to
marry
her;
and
it
is
madness
in
all
women
to
let
a
secret
love
kindle
within
them,
which,
if
unreturned
and
unknown,
must
devour
the
life
that
feeds
it.
”
【温柔】
9.
“Gentle
reader,
may
you
never
feel
what
then
felt!
May
your
eyes
never
shed
such
stormy,
scalding,
heart-wrung
tears
as
poured
from
mine.
May
you
never
appeal
to
Heaven
in
prayers
so
hopeless
and
so
agonised
as
in
that
hour
left
my
lips;
for
never
may
you,
like
me,
dread
to
be
the
instrument
of
evil
to
what
you
wholly
love.
”
【温柔】
10.
“I
have
a
strange
feeling
with
regard
to
you.
As
if
had
a
string
somewhere
under
my
left
ribs,
tightly
and
inextricably
knotted
to
a
similar
string
situated
in
the
corresponding
quarter
of
your
little
frame.
And
if
that
boisterous
channel,
and
two
hundred
miles
or
so
of
land
come
broad
between
us,
am
afraid
that
cord
of
communion
will
be
snapped;
and
then
I’ve
a
nervous
notion
should
take
to
bleeding
inwardly.
As
for
you,
-
you’d
forget
me.
”
【温柔】
11.
“But
am
not
a
poetic
writer.
can
only
express
myself
in
the
plainest
way.
do
not
want
to
make
words
paint
a
false
picture
of
my
feelings.
feel
what
feel
and
say
it
as
directly
as
can.
do
not
want
to
paint
anything
otherwise
than
it
is.
”
【温柔】
12.
“I
can
live
alone
if
self-respect,
and
circumstances
require
me
so
to
do.
need
not
sell
my
soul
to
buy
bliss.
have
an
inward
treasure
born
with
me,
which
can
keep
me
alive
if
all
extraneous
delights
should
be
withheld
or
offered
only
at
a
price
cannot
afford
to
give.
”
【温柔】
13.
“I
am
not
talking
to
you
now
through
the
medium
of
custom,
conventionalities,
nor
even
of
mortal
flesh;
it
is
my
spirit
that
addresses
your
spirit;
just
as
if
both
had
passed
through
the
grave,
and
we
stood
at
God's
feet,
equal,
-
as
we
are.
”
【温柔】
14.
“His
were
theffectionate
heart,
the
temper
the
most
that
had
ever
been,
the
spirit
the
most
restless
and
the
brain
the
quickest
of
mankind.
”
【温柔】
15.
"I
care
for
myself,"
he
exclaimed.
"The
more
solitary,
the
more
friendless,
the
more
unsustained
am,
the
more
will
respect
myself.
"
【温柔】
16.
“I
am
not
an
angel,"
asserted;
"and
will
not
be
one
till
die:
will
be
myself.
”
【温柔】
17.
“I
would
always
rather
be
happy
than
dignified.
”
【温柔】
18.
“I
am
not
a
machine,
and
you
are
not
a
machine;
and
though
there
is
occasionally
a
mechanical
necessity
to
take
a
pause,
we
should
do
so
only
for
as
long
as
is
absolutely
necessary.
We
should
not
postpone
our
happiness
for
one
moment
longer
than
we
have
to.
”
【温柔】
19.
“I
ask
you
to
pass
through
life
at
my
side
-
to
be
my
second
self,
and
best
earthly
companion.
”
【温柔】
20.
“Life
appears
to
me
too
short
to
be
spent
in
nursing
animosity,
or
registering
wrongs.
We
are,
and
must
be,
one
and
all,
burdened
with
faults
in
this
world:
but
the
time
will
soon
come
when,
trust,
we
shall
put
them
off
in
putting
off
our
corruptible
bodies;
when
debasement
and
sin
will
fall
from
us
with
this
cumbrous
frame
of
flesh,
and
we
shall
become
like
angels.
”
【温柔】