.jpg)
1.
"Happiness
can
be
found
even
in
the
darkest
of
times,
if
one
only
remembers
to
turn
on
the
light.
"
-
Albus
Dumbledore
【#Optimism】
2.
"It
does
not
do
to
dwell
on
dreams
and
forget
to
live.
"
-
Albus
Dumbledore
【#RealityCheck】
3.
"Fear
of
a
name
only
increases
fear
of
the
thing
itself.
"
-
Hermione
Granger
【#Bravery】
4.
"I
am
not
worried,
Harry.
am
with
you.
"
-
Albus
Dumbledore
【#Support】
5.
"You
sort
of
start
thinking
anything's
possible
if
you've
got
enough
nerve.
"
-
Ginny
Weasley
【#Courage】
6.
"We've
all
got
both
light
and
dark
inside
us.
What
matters
is
the
part
we
choose
to
act
on.
"
-
Sirius
Black
【#Choice】
7.
"We
are
only
as
strong
as
we
are
united,
as
weak
as
we
are
divided.
"
-
Albus
Dumbledore
【#Unity】
8.
"It
takes
a
great
deal
of
bravery
to
stand
up
to
our
enemies,
but
just
as
much
to
stand
up
to
our
friends.
"
-
Albus
Dumbledore
【#Integrity】
9.
"Dark
times
lie
ahead
of
us
and
there
will
be
a
time
when
we
must
choose
between
what
is
easy
and
what
is
right.
"
-
Albus
Dumbledore
【#Morality】
10.
"Numbing
the
pain
for
a
while
will
only
make
it
worse
when
you
finally
feel
it.
"
-
Albus
Dumbledore
【#FacingChallenges】
11.
"It's
the
unknown
we
fear
when
we
look
upon
death
and
darkness,
nothing
more.
"
-
Albus
Dumbledore
【#OvercomingFears】
12.
"Words
are
in
my
not-so-humble
opinion,
our
most
inexhaustible
source
of
magic.
"
-
Albus
Dumbledore
【#PowerOfWords】
13.
"Happiness
is
not
something
ready
made.
It
comes
from
your
own
actions.
"
-
Dalai
Lama
(mentioned
by
Albus
Dumbledore)
【#SelfDiscovery】
14.
"The
best
of
us
must
sometimes
eat
our
words.
"
-
Albus
Dumbledore
【#Humility】
15.
"To
the
well-organized
mind,
death
is
but
the
next
great
adventure.
"
-
Albus
Dumbledore
【#Acceptance】
16.
"Time
will
not
slow
down
when
something
unpleasant
lies
ahead.
"
-
Harry
Potter
【#Perseverance】
17.
"It
does
not
matter
what
someone
is
born,
but
what
they
grow
up
to
be.
"
-
Albus
Dumbledore
【#Individuality】
18.
"The
consequences
of
our
actions
are
always
so
complicated,
so
diverse,
that
predicting
the
future
is
a
very
difficult
business
indeed.
"
-
Albus
Dumbledore
【#Accountability】
19.
"We
must
try
not
to
sink
beneath
our
anguish…
but
battle
on.
"
-
Albus
Dumbledore
【#Resilience】
20.
"After
all,
to
the
well-organized
mind,
death
is
but
the
next
great
adventure.
"
-
Albus
Dumbledore
【#Eternity】