1.
"Love
is
not
a
game
that
you
can
simply
reset
and
start
over
when
things
don't
go
as
planned.
"
【重来无期】
2.
"The
memories
of
a
lost
love
may
linger
for
a
lifetime,
but
the
chance
to
relive
them
is
forever
gone.
"
【往事如烟】
3.
"Time
and
distance
cannot
erase
the
pain
of
a
lost
love,
but
they
do
make
a
second
chance
impossible.
"
【流年不垂泪】
4.
"It's
impossible
to
go
back
in
time
and
redo
the
mistakes
that
caused
us
to
lose
the
ones
we
love.
"
【时光荏苒】
5.
"Once
a
heart
is
broken,
it
can
never
be
fully
mended,
and
love
can
never
be
the
same
again.
"
【心有千结】
6.
"The
wounds
of
lost
love
may
heal,
but
the
scars
remain
as
a
reminder
of
what
was
lost
forever.
"
【伤痕累累】
7.
"Sometimes,
the
only
way
to
move
on
from
a
lost
love
is
to
accept
that
there
will
never
be
a
second
chance.
"
【告别往昔】
8.
"The
pain
of
a
lost
love
may
fade
with
time,
but
the
memories
will
always
be
a
bittersweet
reminder
of
what
was
lost.
"
【欲断还生】
9.
"In
love,
timing
is
everything,
and
once
the
moment
has
passed,
there
is
no
going
back.
"
【来世不同】
10.
"A
lost
love
may
leave
a
void
in
our
hearts,
but
trying
to
fill
that
void
with
a
second
chance
can
only
lead
to
disappointment.
"
【过眼云烟】
11.
"A
lost
love
is
like
a
book
that
can
never
be
rewritten,
and
trying
to
do
so
will
only
lead
to
more
heartache.
"
【尘封往事】
12.
"The
pain
of
losing
a
love
is
like
a
wound
that
never
fully
heals,
and
trying
to
reopen
it
will
only
make
it
worse.
"
【旧伤未愈】
13.
"The
memories
of
a
lost
love
may
be
beautiful,
but
they
can
never
be
relived
or
recreated.
"
【美好难再】
14.
"Trying
to
recapture
a
lost
love
is
like
chasing
a
fleeting
dream
that
can
never
be
caught.
"
【君须慎勿染,良辰美景虚设】
15.
"Once
love
is
lost,
it
can
never
be
found
again,
no
matter
how
hard
we
search.
"
【寻觅徒劳】
16.
"Love
is
not
something
that
can
be
found
or
replaced,
and
once
lost,
it
can
never
be
regained.
"
【爱已不在】
17.
"The
pain
of
a
lost
love
may
fade
with
time,
but
the
longing
for
a
second
chance
will
always
remain.
"
【一念成执】
18.
"Trying
to
recreate
a
lost
love
is
like
trying
to
recreate
a
work
of
art
that
has
already
been
destroyed.
"
【画已无痕】
19.
"The
memories
of
a
lost
love
may
haunt
us
forever,
but
the
chance
to
relive
them
is
gone
forever.
"
【对镜梳妆】
20.
"Love
is
like
a
fire
that
can
either
warm
our
hearts
or
burn
our
souls,
and
trying
to
relight
a
lost
flame
can
only
lead
to
more
pain.
"
【情火无炎】