
大家好,今天小编来为大家解答丰富的业余生活的句子英语这个问题,初二 英语 关于业余爱好的常用句子30条很多人还不知道,现在让我们一块儿来看看吧!



  1. 初二 英语 关于业余爱好的常用句子30条
  2. 享受惬意时光的英语句子

[One]、初二 英语 关于业余爱好的常用句子30条

〖One〗、His hobby is entomology.他爱好昆虫学。

〖Two〗、Angling is his main hobby.钓鱼是他的主要爱好。

〖Three〗、My hobby is a good safety-valve for the tension that builds up at work.我用业余爱好来消除工作中产生的紧张情绪。

〖Four〗、One of my hobbies is painting.我的业余爱好之一是画画。

〖Five〗、His hobby employs much of his time.他的业余爱好占用他许多时间?

〖Six〗、Do you think cycling is a good hobby?你认为骑车是种很好的业余爱好吗?

〖Seven〗、His hobby is collecting butterfly specimens.他的业余爱好是采集蝴蝶标本。

〖Eight〗、The trouble with stamp collecting is that it's an expensive hobby.集邮爱好不好的地方在于它花费太大了。A hobby is compared to a special friend that you choose for yourself.一种业余爱好好比一位你为自己选取的特殊朋友。The trouble with phonograph is that it's an expensive hobby.

〖Nine〗、拥有留声机的烦恼在于它是一个昂贵的业余爱好Some people like horseback ride, but I prefer golf as a hobby.一些人喜欢马术,但是我宁愿把打高尔夫球作为一种业余爱好。

〖Ten〗、I had always supposed that astrology was his particular hobby.我一直认为占星学是他的特殊爱好。My hobby is a good safety-valve for the tension that builds up at work.


1〖Two〗、He went on at length about his favourite hobby.他接着详细讲了他最喜欢的爱好。

1〖Three〗、I'd be happy to take up a new hobby.我很乐意开始一种新嗜好。

1〖Four〗、His hobby employs much of his time.他的业余爱好占用他许多时间?



Walk hand in hand in the afternoon sunshine trail, daylight on the ground cast mottledshadows, your smile is the most beautiful scenery here.


Lying in the shade, feeling the wind face and the wind blowing gently, the sun continuously through the gap between the leaves, on the ground is shown on a piece of mottled.


Let's get away from the hustle and bustle. ln the warmth of the sun, alone to enjoy thepeace of nature.


Time is wonderful and peaceful.Keep the hopes at hand in our lifetimes.
