1.
"The
woods
are
lovely,
dark
and
deep.
But
have
promises
to
keep,
and
miles
to
go
before
sleep.
"
-
Robert
Frost.
【优美句子】
2.
"I
have
gone
to
the
forest.
"
-
Mary
Oliver.
【作者语录】
3.
"Nature
does
not
hurry,
yet
everything
is
accomplished.
"
-
Lao
Tzu.
【哲理语录】
4.
"The
clearest
way
into
the
Universe
is
through
a
forest
wilderness.
"
-
John
Muir.
【灵性语录】
5.
"The
poetry
of
earth
is
never
dead.
"
-
John
Keats.
【诗意语录】
6.
"In
the
woods,
we
return
to
reason
and
faith.
"
-
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson.
【哲学思想语录】
7.
"We
do
not
inherit
the
earth
from
our
ancestors,
we
borrow
it
from
our
children.
"
-
Native
American
Proverb.
【环保语录】
8.
"I
took
a
walk
in
the
woods
and
came
out
taller
than
the
trees.
"
-
Henry
David
Thoreau.
【独立思考语录】
9.
"The
forest
makes
your
heart
gentle.
You
become
one
with
it.
.
.
No
place
for
greed
or
anger
there.
"
-
Pha
Pachak.
【心灵净化语录】
10.
"There
is
something
infinitely
healing
in
the
repeated
refrains
of
nature
-
the
assurance
that
dawn
comes
after
night,
and
spring
after
winter.
"
-
Rachel
Carson.
【心灵宁静语录】
11.
"All
my
life
have
tried
to
pluck
a
thistle
and
plant
a
flower
wherever
the
flower
would
grow
in
thought
and
mind.
"
-
Abraham
Lincoln.
【人生哲学语录】
12.
"Forests
are
the
lungs
of
our
land,
purifying
the
air
and
giving
fresh
strength
to
our
people.
"
-
Franklin
D.
Roosevelt.
【环保警示语录】
13.
"The
mountains
are
calling
and
must
go.
"
-
John
Muir.
【旅行激励语录】
14.
"I
am
glad
will
not
be
young
in
a
future
without
wilderness.
"
-
Aldo
Leopold.
【环保激励语录】
15.
"In
every
walk
with
nature,
one
receives
far
more
than
he
seeks.
"
-
John
Muir.
【生命体验语录】
16.
"The
silence
of
the
forest
is
my
bride
and
the
sweet
dark
warmth
of
the
whole
world
is
my
love,
and
out
of
the
heart
of
that
dark
warmth
comes
the
secret
that
is
heard
only
in
silence.
"
-
Thomas
Merton.
【顿悟启发语录】
17.
"I
owe
everything
that
have
done
or
ever
will
do
to
the
forests
and
their
peoples
and
their
brave
struggles.
"
-
Richard
St.
Barbe
Baker.
【环保致敬语录】
18.
"When
one
tugs
at
a
single
thing
in
nature,
he
finds
it
attached
to
the
rest
of
the
world.
"
-
John
Muir.
【自然联系语录】
19.
"Adopt
the
pace
of
nature:
her
secret
is
patience.
"
-
Ralph
Waldo
Emerson.
【耐心启示语录】
20.
"I
believe
in
God,
only
spell
it
Nature.
"
-
Frank
Lloyd
Wright.
【灵性联想语录】