.jpg)
1.
"From
small
beginnings
come
great
things"【-
Unknown】
2.
"The
ocean
is
made
of
drops,
the
mountains
are
made
of
grains,
and
great
things
come
from
the
accumulation
of
small
things"【-
Confucius】
3.
"Little
drops
of
water
make
the
mighty
ocean"【-
Julia
Carney】
4.
"The
journey
of
a
thousand
miles
begins
with
one
step"【-
Lao
Tzu】
5.
"A
small
step
can
make
a
big
difference"【-
Unknown】
6.
"Success
is
not
final,
failure
is
not
fatal:
it
is
the
courage
to
continue
that
counts"【-
Winston
Churchill】
7.
"Don't
watch
the
clock;
do
what
it
does.
Keep
going.
"【-
Sam
Levenson】
8.
"Perseverance
is
the
hard
work
you
do
after
you
get
tired
of
doing
the
hard
work
you
already
did"【-
Newt
Gingrich】
9.
"A
river
cuts
through
rock,
not
because
of
its
power,
but
because
of
its
persistence"【-
Jim
Watkins】
10.
"Little
by
little,
a
little
becomes
a
lot"【-
Tanzanian
Proverb】
11.
"Success
is
the
sum
of
small
efforts,
repeated
day
in
and
day
out"【-
Robert
Collier】
12.
"Do
what
you
can,
with
what
you
have,
where
you
are"【-
Theodore
Roosevelt】
13.
"Small
opportunities
are
often
the
beginning
of
great
enterprises"【-
Demosthenes】
14.
"Great
things
are
done
by
a
series
of
small
things
brought
together"【-
Vincent
Van
Gogh】
15.
"The
key
to
success
is
to
start
before
you
are
ready"【-
Marie
Forleo】
16.
"Believe
in
yourself
and
all
that
you
are.
Know
that
there
is
something
inside
you
that
is
greater
than
any
obstacle"【-
Christian
D.
Larson】
17.
"Success
is
not
how
high
you
have
climbed,
but
how
you
make
a
positive
difference
to
the
world"【-
Roy
T.
Bennett】
18.
"If
you
are
always
trying
to
be
normal,
you
will
never
know
how
amazing
you
can
be"【-
Maya
Angelou】
19.
"Be
patient
with
yourself.
Self-growth
is
tender;
it's
holy
ground.
There's
no
greater
investment"【-
Stephen
Covey】
20.
"Every
accomplishment
starts
with
the
decision
to
try"【-
John
F.
Kennedy】