.jpg)
1.
"The
moon
is
bright,
but
my
heart
is
heavy.
中秋佳节,怎奈心伤重。
"
【悲伤】
2.
"The
melody
of
this
song
reminds
me
of
the
one
who's
not
here
to
celebrate
with
me.
此曲声声,思念谁无人知。
"
【思念】
3.
"The
moonlit
night
is
so
quiet,
but
my
heart
is
filled
with
chaos.
月夜寂静,我心却鸟犁。
"
【混乱】
4.
"My
mind
may
be
in
the
present,
but
my
heart
is
stuck
in
the
past.
思绪回忆,时光悠悠。
"
【回忆】
5.
"The
beauty
of
the
moon
is
overshadowed
by
the
pain
in
my
heart.
月色如织,怀里却在痛。
"
【痛苦】
6.
"The
moon
reminds
me
of
the
one
can't
be
with,
and
my
tears
start
to
fall.
月圆人不在,泪流满面。
"
【离愁】
7.
"The
warmth
of
the
moon
can't
compare
to
the
coldness
in
my
heart.
月光温暖,心却凉透。
"
【孤独】
8.
"The
brightness
of
the
lanterns
can't
light
up
the
darkness
in
my
heart.
灯笼高挂,内心独行。
"
【黑暗】
9.
"The
sound
of
laughter
and
joy
around
me
can't
drown
out
the
pain
in
my
heart.
红灯点点,心事重重。
"
【忧虑】
10.
"The
moon
may
be
full,
but
my
heart
is
empty
without
you.
月圆缺你,空如寒光。
"
【空虚】
11.
"The
moon
is
a
distant
memory
of
a
love
that
could
have
been.
追忆往昔,月影浮现。
"
【遗憾】
12.
"The
night
is
filled
with
whispers
of
love,
but
my
heart
can't
hear
them.
听不到爱情在诉说,皎洁的月光如玻璃般冷静。
"
【冷漠】
13.
"The
moon
is
a
symbol
of
eternity,
but
my
love
story
has
come
to
an
end.
满月如拭,恋缘这最后收束。
"
【结束】
14.
"The
moon
reminds
me
of
the
one
who's
far
away,
and
my
heart
aches
with
longing.
月圆彼岸,我心思念。
"
【思念】
15.
"The
moon's
reflection
on
the
water
is
beautiful,
but
it
doesn't
compare
to
the
beauty
of
your
smile.
明月照水,你的微笑胜似。
"
【美丽】
16.
"The
moon
is
a
symbol
of
hope,
but
my
heart
is
filled
with
despair.
月光如盼,我心却忧伤。
"
【绝望】
17.
"The
moon
is
a
symbol
of
unity,
but
my
heart
is
divided
between
love
and
duty.
月明星稀,情义难分离。
"
【矛盾】
18.
"The
moon
may
be
far
away,
but
my
love
for
you
is
closer
than
ever.
月亮遥远,爱你更近。
"
【爱情】
19.
"The
moon
is
a
symbol
of
a
new
beginning,
but
my
heart
is
stuck
in
the
past.
月圆新开始,回忆历历在目。
"
【过去】
20.
"The
moon
is
a
symbol
of
mystery,
but
my
heart
is
an
open
book
to
you.
月光朦胧,心情渐露。
"
【真挚】